Monday, June 25, 2012

First Post! 

   A little about me.  I was born and raised in Michigan.  When I graduated high school I grew bored, so I joined the Army.  My first duty station was in California and I fell in love with both the state and my wife.  Three kids and many years/duty stations later I retired from military service in Kansas, but vowed to get back to California.  After four more years of living in Kansas, (working hard, going to school and applying to government service jobs), I am happy to say we are back in California!
   I am now extending my Associates Degree I earned in Kansas to a Bachelors Degree through the 2+2 Partnership Program that the Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC) has with Kansas State University (KSU) through online courses.  This blog is part of that quest.  I had some trouble deciding what to blog about, but after this weekend  (explained in my second post) I was commited to share some of my own food creations and teriffic recipe finds I have come across for delicious foods.

   I am looking forward to sharing delicious recipes I find as well as some of my own creations. I will start out with my latest creation... a Moogle Cake. For those that do not know what a Moogle is, it is a creature from the popular Final Fantasy (FF) game series. I found the picture I wished to emulate in the cake design and did my best to mimic it. I will post pictures of the original picture and the final resultant cake. I'll let you be the judge of my success.

   This is one in a line of personalized cakes I have made for my kids birthdays. Last year was a Cactuar, another FF creature. If you haven't noticed by now I am a bit of FF fan. Actually, I am a fan of most of the games produced by Square-Enix. I will provide videos of the FF creatures in action  for those who desire a little more background on the creatures mentioned.

Moogle Video
Cactuar Video